Go beyond logistics, make the world go round and revolution business

© SOGESI 2025


Treating every business special

SOGESI srl is an Italian company specialized in the outsourcing of services to businesses. Based in Cagliari, Sardinia, it operates in the complete management of logistics services, supply chain management, road freight movement and handling, for car transport, tertiary, production and manufacturing companies. 
SOGESI logistics is an ISO 9001/2015 certified company. The main objective of Sogesi is to support companies in simplifying and optimizing the management of the various production processes, providing them with support and consultancy in all sectors of the company's activity. SOGESI offers customized solutions for every type of business, regardless of size and sector.
We manage, through our logistics platform in Cagliari (located in the immediate vicinity of Elmas airport, the port of Cagliari and the main junctions) dedicated to storage (storage) also for private individuals (B2C), transport services with shipments throughout Italy, micrologistics and logistics for E-Commerce with complete order management. Through the third-party warehouse we offer document and goods storage services, even temporary, for any need.
We provide outsourced services to logistics companies, freight transport, express courier, airport and naval handling services and in general to all the industrial and manufacturing sectors.
We manage the complete production cycle: from the Goods Logistics Platform, warehouse for goods storage, to the sorting and consolidation center. From data management to the process by department, be it industrial, manufacturing or tertiary, to all phases of goods in transit (inbound & outbound) and certified forklift drivers, unloading, management of technical stops in the warehouse, loading, packaging, shipments with forwarding to the end customer and all operations aimed at improving the performance and efficiency of the distribution chain.
We believe in our collaborators, whom we select carefully, and we work with continuous training so that their preparation is responsible, competent and professional
We lead the warehousing management with a high level of qualification in the typical express courier services, from the arrival of the goods to the data entry for departures, up to the certification and consolidation of the outbound goods.
SOGESI Sardegna Corriere, offers very urgent services with a dedicated vehicle and availability within a few hours of the request.
We can develop investment plans in collaboration with the clients for the automation of logistics platforms, sorting centers, warehouses of high-rotation and high-speed goods (express courier), with the possibility of automated sorting and certified detection of weights and volumes, with solutions in partnership with the leading company in Italy in the warehouse automation sector.
Where necessary, we offer software consultancy for the implementation or improvement of traceability, via barcode, of the production and/or goods of third parties.
We operate mainly in Sardinia and in all the regions of central and northern Italy, taking on the complete management of third-party warehouse activities in outsourcing (externalization).

Handling, Logistics & Parcel Delivery
Go beyond logistics and revolution your business

alcune aziende di cui siamo partner

(disclaimer: tutti i marchi fanno riferimento alle sedi locali e sono di proprietà delle rispettive società)



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